von Roland Hachmann | Feb. 11, 2007 | Blog, Digital Culture, Digital Marketing, Marketing Trends, Social Media Marketing
Finally, finally, there are some numbers on the nationalities of Second Life residents. OK, you might argue, they’re all Second Life citizens – true. But nevertheless it was interesting for me as an advertising person to know who actually visits this virtual space.
Now Reuters writes about the latest statistics.And it seems like Europe is well represented – something I never thought:
Europeans make up the largest block of Second Life residents with more than 54 percent of active users in January ahead of North America’s 34.5 percent, according to new Linden Lab data.
Interestingly enough it was especially the French who boosted the european numbers – mainly due to the fact that during their presidential elections in January both parties got actively involved in this virtual world – opening up offices and such.
France has the second-highest number of users after the virtual world became a battleground for the country’s presidential election. Although French residents had long been a part of Second Life, thousands more joined Second Life in January as demonstrators picketed the virtual offices of Jean Marie Le Pen’s far-right National Front party. Socialist candidate Ségolène Royal also established a Second Life presence.
Here is the complete overview:
Active residents by country
- United States 31.19%
- France 12.73%
- Germany 10.46%
- United Kingdom 8.09%
- Netherlands 6.55%
- Spain 3.83%
- Brazil 3.77%
- Canada 3.30%
- Belgium 2.63%
- Italy 1.93%
The numbers add up to round about 85% – which means that 15% are spread out over the remaining +/-150 nations worldwide. And I guess that China makes up a large part of that 15% – even though I would have expected them within this list…
The average resident is 33 years old, and:
58.9 percent of residents declared themselves as men when they registered, compared with 55.5 percent a year earlier.
I like the way that is put: „declared themselves as men“. But it’s true. On the web, you never know – and in Second Life this is just as well the case…
One more link: these news were posted within the Reuters Second Life News Center Website. (I just want to keep track of this link for myself…)
von Roland Hachmann | Jan. 28, 2007 | Blog, Digital Culture, Digital Marketing
Here is a curious initiative: Sweden to set up embassy in Second Life
Sweden is to become the first country to establish diplomatic representation in the virtual reality world of Second Life, officials said on Friday.
„We are planning to establish a Swedish embassy in Second Life primarily as an information portal for Sweden,“ Swedish Institute (SI) director Olle Wästberg told AFP.
They won’t issue visa, instead they will tell people how the obtain visa for Sweden in the real world. And they want to inform people of how nice and beautiful Sweden is… This sounds more like a regular tourist information to me, than an embassy. But nevermind – I like Sweden and I hope this helps.
von Roland Hachmann | Jan. 22, 2007 | Blog, Digital Culture, Social Media Marketing
Love it! Werbeblogger just pointed me to a cool siteGet a first life (go outside, membership is free).
And of course it lists total residents (6+ billion), you can get first life clothing for real dollars (at cafepress.com), in a 3D analog world, where server lag does not exist. Hhm, maybe I should try that sometime.
von Roland Hachmann | Jan. 11, 2007 | Ad News, Blog, Digital Marketing, Digital News, Marketing, Online Advertising, Social Media Marketing
links of today (one is actually quiet old…):
von Roland Hachmann | Dez. 21, 2006 | Ad News, Blog, Digital Culture, Digital Marketing, Digital News, Marketing, Marketing Trends, Online Advertising
Some Links & News I haven’t had time to blog about in the last couple of days:
- Tim O’Reilly was interviewed by German Spiegel Online (one of my main news sources). One of the questions: would Mr. O’Reilly show the current wewb 2.0 content (and here: mainly youtube videos) to aliens, in order to show how far we’ve gotten with our civilisation… He would show Google though he said.
- Adverblog writes about Coke „invading“ YouTube with a brandchannel, where you can upload you own season greetings and send them to friends. Good idea in general… But why would you want to do that through a coke brand channel and not a standard YouTube account? They aren’t the only ones, either. Levi’s allegedly also opened a brand channel.
- Some more CGM: In Spain Pepsi asks users to design a can – the best design will actually be produced as a can and distributed across Spain.
- The new Second Life Newspaper „Avastar“ of German tabloid „Bild“ is selling for 150 Linden Dollars. This shows in some respect, that market prices in Second Life haven’t quite equilibrated yet. Just recently I bought a T-Shirt for a third of that price. The language will be english, apparently, which makes sense considering that the majority within Second Life won’t know German.
- The new book title of Joseph Jaffe will be „Join the Conversation“. This makes absolut sense considering the contents of this podcasts and blogposts, this is the (his) current topic.
- PayPerPost makes disclosure mandatory. Good. Now bloggers have to disclose if they are publishing a blogpost with brand or productreviews. This improves transparency and even though they might loose some advertisers and bloggers it should help them in the long run.