Der Witz ist eigentlich uralt. In Brasilien haben sie daraus eine Werbeaktion gemacht. Den Besuchern eines Restaurants wurde angeboten, dass sie statt die Rechnung zu zahlen, in der Küche abwaschen können. Natürlich mit dem Produkt, um das es hier geht: Scotch-Brite Küchenschwämme.
This isn’t so new any more, but I had this in my drafts and definitely wanted to share it with you. Zuji, an online travel agent, launched a rather unique campaign to illustrate the great possibilities to save money for nicer holidays:
The main thing of this was probably the ways the video made it’s way through the web… a good viral campaign.
A nice yet simple idea: at an all women race an Axe guy sprayed himself and then ran ahead of the crowd as if they were chasing him.
As with most guerrilla marketing campaigns, this one seems to have its main effect through the word of mouth it’s getting online, on sites like this one, but also here, here, and here, where i found out about it.
Adverblog found this musical prang of which promotes their last minute ticket service for theatres (I think).
As nice as the idea appears, it is (as it often happens in advertising) not a very new idea. May it’s the first time, the idea was used in a commercial. But on YouTube, there are videos of the „prangstgrup“ that date back to August of 2006! See this clip here: