von Roland Hachmann | Juni 25, 2007 | Ad News, Blog, Digital Marketing, Online Advertising
Doritos has already made some experiences with user generated content – asking users to submit their homemade ads with the chance of having it aired during the superbowl. We all know how the story ended: a $13 video was put infront of an audience of 90 million people.
Pringles now sponsors Spiderman III and aks people from across Europe
to shoot short films with Pringles as the star of the film.

In true 2.0 fashion, people can then rate the videos. And of course the videos are hosted on Google Video (why not YouTube?), so they can be spread. Like I am spreading this one here which really looks user generated, yet it is one of the highest ranking videos on the site (no video got more than three stars sofar):
The music is actually the same as in Carltons „Big Ad“. Was that chosen on purpose?
von Roland Hachmann | Juni 24, 2007 | Ad News, Blog, Digital Marketing, Online Advertising, SEO / SEA
Google has launched their performance based „pay per action“ ad network and opened it up to selected advertisers, writes clickz.
Some believe the pricing model will reduce the impact of click fraud since PPA ads won’t fall prey to automated bots designed to click ads to boost keyword prices or generate more revenue for AdSense publishers. Instead, an actual action must be performed by the user in order for the publisher and Google to be paid by the advertiser.
Yes, there might have been fraud, but why should I participate in the business risk of the advertiser? What if the product is unsellable? What if the creative is really bad and attracts people who click (which would be good for publishers in a way), but will never buy the product (or request info, or whatever the „paid action“ will be).
But Google solved this, too:
Publishers in the AdSense network can search for available CPA ads and review them before choosing whether they want to accept them for placement on their sites. The PPA ads will only appear on AdSense publisher sites, not in Google’s search results, as CPC buys do.
This whole thing is really bad news for all the affiliate networks out there…
von Roland Hachmann | Juni 9, 2007 | Blog, Digital Culture, SEO / SEA
I love it. During the very prominent German TV show „Schlag den Raab“, Google became on of the things for a contest.
There have already been informal contests on the net to find Googlewhacks since nearly 5 years:
Your goal: find that elusive query (two words – no quote marks) with a single, solitary result!
In this German TV Show it was similar: The task was to find one word combination, which was put together of two words (in Germany, we can put together words to construct word combinations of any length), with the fewest hits… And it is still possible to find 1 hit wonders, even after 5 years of increasing clutter and billions of additional websites in the Google directory…
von Roland Hachmann | Mai 24, 2007 | Ad News, Blog, Digital Marketing, Online Advertising, SEO / SEA
Latest news is: Google is now testing in-Stream Video ads:
Ad creative will be less than :30 and made skippable for users. Publishers will be able to select which videos to monetize, and track their performance using AdSense. Publishers can also choose where the ads will appear within the videos. Akin to standard AdSense deals, ad revenue will be split between the website publisher and Google.
And – though slightly unrelated: They now also sell TV Ads, as found on their AdSense ads.
Seems like they’re really moving into video ads in many ways now.
von Roland Hachmann | Mai 23, 2007 | Blog, Digital News, Marketing Trends, Online Advertising, SEO / SEA