Originelle „Party Protection“ Ideen von Bier Marken

Einige Alkoholmarken scheinen sich ernsthaft um ihre Kunden zu sorgen. Was, wenn man mit Freunden ein Bier trinken will, und die Freundin mittendrin anruft – und man eine gute Ausrede braucht, dass man jetzt, in diesem Moment, auf gar keinen Fall nach Hause kommen kann? Hier ist eine Lösung, die anscheinend sogar in einigen Bars umgesetzt wurde:


Was, wenn man excessiv in einer Disco am feiern ist, und irgendwelche Idioten mit Kameras versuchen, peinliche Momente festzuhalten? Hier ist eine Lösung, die theoretisch vielleicht möglich wäre, allerdings sieht es nicht so aus, als wäre es schon mal umgesetzt worden:


In beiden Fällen, so scheint’s, war die Produktion und Verbreitung des Ideen- oder Case-Videos das eigentliche Ziel und der Reichweitenhebel der Kampagne.

Budweiser temperature related couponing mobile app

This is an interesting idea by Budweiser. the hotter the weather, the better the beer promotion. If it gets really, really hot, you get the bud for free. Otherwise, you get 1€ or 2€ off. The mobile app tells you which rebate is on. (See Adverblog for Screenshots of the app!)

Here is the commercial related to it (enjoy the „old spice“ style of the video):


Contextual Offline Advertising

Fantastic idea:

Milk producers in Quebec put milk cartons in refrigerators in ten appliance stores around Montreal to take advantage of the moving season.

Apparently, that similar story about diapers and young fathers (who have to stay at home on a friday nite) is not true.


Becks wants you to blog for them

Just when you thought that everybody who wants to use a (corporate) blog in their communication has tried (and sometimes failed miserably), Becks opens the bottle and starts a blogger casting.

Here is what they want:

You live by the blog. You have a way with words that hold people captive. And you don’t shy away from being in the public eye. Then we want you. Give your two cents worth, and we’ll give you a handsome salary and other bright perks. Your name and blogs will be seen by many around the world. Others have 365 days, you have 365 entries in a year. You get to work with Beck’s and a congenial creative team in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. You might even relocate to a greener pasture. Sounds too good to be true?

Adverblog found a quote from a press release:

„Our consumers actively seek out links to new trends and genuine material from around the globe. They have a desire to learn about people who share the same values as they do. The Beck’s new columnist will help uncover and highlight relevant and exciting topics for our consumers, enabling us to better connect with them.“

The idea is not new, but it could work well for becks, if the blogger manages to connect will with the becks consumer. But there are several possible negative outcomes:

  1. The blogger will blog too much in favour of becks undertakings: it might not be sufficiently authentic and people might stop reading.
  2. The blogger will blog very independently and could soon be a ‚celebrity‘, successful even when disconnected from the becks brand. Hence the image transfer to becks might decrease over time.
  3. The blogging could turn out to be extremely boring regardless of the being authentic or not. Again people might stop reading it.

In either case it is a comparatively small investment (at the cost of probably only a few TV commercials) with a large possible upside to it.