Happy new year (almost „belated“, since I haven’t posted anything in two weeks…). First post should hence be about new year resolutions. But not mine, which do in fact include the obvious (more sports, loose weight, etc.), but some listed by the viralblog:
1. Make Social Media marketing line budget item (so that it gets its proper place in the marketing mix)
2. Generate ROI using Social Media (prove the added value of social media tactics within the marketing mix)
3. Start listening to the audience (they are already talking about you, and they know what’s best for them).
4. Develop Social Media Strategy (don’t tinker from one tactic to another).
5. Always remember the 4 C’s (Content, Context, Connectivity, Continuity).
They are, obviously, not resolutions for me as an agency person, but they are nevertheless my resolutions when advising my clients this year. Let’s see how social media develops this year.