Superman returns in 2006. And Warner Brothers has employed a number of online tools to promote the new film. From the main website you get to all the subsites:
a blog with news that started on November 9th.
The Bluetights Network website, which is also a blog about the upcoming movie (not sure why they have two blogs now…)
A forum with surprisingly many entries.
And, most fascinating, there are the video journals within the BTN, which are also accessible through this site, where they are nicely done up within a flash animation:

So there is a lot of stuff on the web for people to get engaged with.
And, as a sidenote: that they are also doing TV commercials for this Movie is a bit pointless, says AdJab, however in a different context.
It’d be great to see more movie promotions connecting with the blogosphere, the way some book publishers are doing it. Mainstream marketing is so expensive compared to word of mouse.
I absolutely agree. And I also believe this will increase in the future. Because, as you said, traditional marketing/advertising is too expensive.
We can see quite a lot of this happening in other industries already…