- While everyone is getting excited about Joost, there is a competitor not far away. Less beta users, less headlines, but very similar thing, called babelgum.
- But that’s not all, Zattoo is another TV platform, with only few, but real TV stations, such as RTL, ART, BBC World, CNN, France 2+3, ZDF and some more.
- Audi.de/tv launched, and German Werbeblogger has some justified serious criticism about this web1.0-ish wannabe 2.0-ish plattform.
- Focus.de published a study about us german bloggers, finding out that we’re indeed young and well educated. Thanks for the compliment!
- The Playboy seems to be opening up a dependence in Second Life. I am curious to see their hostesses!
- Absolutely amazing: watching new flickr photos being uploaded, almost in real time – around the world: this is flickrvision, another API-wonder.