von Roland Hachmann | Apr. 3, 2007 | Ad News, Blog, Digital News, Marketing
Not sure, if this is true, but I’ll help spreading the word, since I like the idea:
A deal is pending between the world’s largest gas station company and Fox to temporarily convert 11 7-Elevens across the United States into Kwik-E-Marts to promote the upcoming Simpsons Movie. I’ve taken the liberty of creating an image of what this might look like if the event goes through, and let me be the first to say this is completely awesome.
You’ll also be able to buy items inspired by the show, like KrustyO’s cereal, Buzz Cola, and iced Squishees. As soon as we find out exactly if, when, and where this happens, we’ll be sure and let you know.
Here is what it could look like, according to Justin Glow:

(found here.)
von Roland Hachmann | Apr. 2, 2007 | Ad News, Blog, Digital Culture, Digital Marketing, Marketing
At Kzero you can find a map of companies in Second Life:

I just wonder if that really helps in finding these companies once you’re zooming in? Anyhow, looks interesting and it suggests that location does indeed matter…
von Roland Hachmann | März 25, 2007 | Blog, Marketing
Ok, I didn’t actually stay until Sunday. I was back Saturday Evening already, since I need to do some work today. Unfortunately, because Berlin is always fascinating, you could spend endless hours walking down the streets in one of the many different parts of the city.
One thing we visited worth mentioning, apart from the huge ADC exhibition, was the most famous currywurst place in Germany (or so they say):

Konnopke’s fast food exists since 1930. 10 years before the McDonalds Brother started their business. But the rest is a matter of Ray Croc injecting business understanding and franchise models, as well as the difference between free market economies and communism (yes, Konnopke is in the former East Berlin).
Somehow, this place has stayed a uique location even though the demand is incredible. On a saturday aound lunchtime, the cue is nearly 20 meters long. And the service is not slow – it took less than one minute to take my order and deliver the currywurst with fries. Usually it takes longer at a regular McDonalds.
I was particularly fascinated by their marketing efforts of selling vouchures. I haven’t seen that at any fast food place like that, yet.

For those who don’t know German: it basically advertises the fact that you can now give fast food vouchures to your friends, colleagues, etc.
von Roland Hachmann | März 22, 2007 | Ad News, Blog, Marketing
… we’re going to Berlin.
The German Direct Marketing Awards are being awarded in Berlin tomorrow evening. And we’re on the shortlist…
Since we’re going to the ADC exhibition on Saturday, we’ll be staying until Sunday. So does anyone have a good suggestion for Saturday night in Berlin?
von Roland Hachmann | März 20, 2007 | Blog, Digital Culture, Marketing, Marketing Trends, SEO / SEA, Social Media Marketing
I know I am fairly late with this, but this is absolutely astounding! Yahoo! Pipes let’s users create their own feeds based on any information on the web. Here is an example of a meta-search-feed:
The pipe you’re looking at demonstrates how to use a few of the more powerful modules. In this example a variety of sources are queried with the same term. The results are merged into one feed. Next, all the items are sorted by what was most recently published. Finally any items with identical titles are removed and a new RSS feed is born.
This is how it looks like:

Once you have created a pipe, you can subscribe to the feed via the usual suspects – bloglines in my case.
Apparently you can meshup all sorts of types of information. A popular one for example is a mixture of appartments for rent and google maps.
A fascinating example of how „plattforms“ and „programming“ become less important, because users only meshup what is of interest to them any way. Question is: how can marketers make sure that users still receive marketing messages? (And like receiving them, at the same time – that will be even more important!)
von Roland Hachmann | März 11, 2007 | Ad News, Blog, Digital Marketing, Marketing, Marketing Trends, Online Advertising, SEO / SEA, Social Media Marketing
This seems interesting and obvious at the same time – a study about user revolution:
The report defines user revolution as a major trend that is happening primarily with consumers, who are taking control of content consumption and branding. The historically passive consumer is changing rapidly, not only becoming more informed and confident about purchase decisions, but also increasingly taking control of the consumption of information and content that used to be distributed by networks, studios, publishers and retailers […] We believe this will cause a significant rise in prominence of the Internet as a major content consumption and marketing medium.
The „news“ is from a report by Piper&Jaffrey. They list 12 key findings, such as predicted online advertising growth rates over the next few years (around 20% per year), the rise of communitainment (careful: new buzzword!), the rise of Usites (another one!) – sites with user generated content, and the increase of video ads.
At the end, they list the companies most likely to profit from these trends:
Google (and YouTube), Yahoo!, Disney, News Corp., Time Warner, Microsoft, InterActive, Facebook, Craigslist, Brightcove, Yelp, SINA Corp., Baidu, aQuantive, ValueClick, 24/7 Media, Netflix, Wikipedia, MobiTV, Digg and Hakia.