von Roland Hachmann | Juni 12, 2008 | Blog, Digital Marketing, Marketing, Marketing Trends, Online Advertising, Social Media Marketing
I was going to comment on Pete Blackshaws Post „Twitter Spam„, but unfortunately, the long and complex typekey registration process put me off. So I will comment here and trackback, why not. And I can even add my own screenshots.
In his post, Pete suspects twitter now having spam profiles. I second that, I have a Chinese Hotel,a kidney stones and a prostrate cancer follower. Seems like twitter is slowly becoming a playing field of professional spammers, too.
von Roland Hachmann | Juni 5, 2008 | Blog, Digital Culture, Digital Marketing, Marketing Trends, Social Media Marketing
Just a quick one: here are 2 presentations about social media that I found in the last few days:
Neil Perkin about what’s next in Media:
The second one is about the future of social networks, a research report by futurethink.
von Roland Hachmann | Apr. 30, 2008 | Blog, Digital Culture, Digital Marketing, Marketing, Marketing Trends, Social Media Marketing
An update on latest usage numbers, especially about social applications dominating web usage:
Have Fun!
von Roland Hachmann | Apr. 14, 2008 | Blog, Digital Culture, Marketing Trends, Social Media Marketing
Courtesy of one of my colleagues who sent this around today: Social Media always existed in one or the other form. Sometimes the means of communication were a little complicated or indirect, but there was no excuse for not having been able to communicate the way you can today.
Well, I am still happy to have the tools of today, even though I sometimes feel like they can turn me into an adult ADD…
von Roland Hachmann | März 26, 2008 | Blog, Digital Culture, Marketing, Marketing Trends, SEO / SEA
Just the other day I posted this graphic at my german blog:
The graphic is from this place here. Just today I found the ‚corresponding article‘ about ‚how google and apple dominate‚ whatever field they are moving into. Written by Umair Haque, this article goes into the „no compromise for bucks“ philosophy that is at the core of their DNA – Goople’s DNA, as he calls the two companies:
The ends they’re working towards are similar: Goople aspires to – with laserlike intensity – change the world for the better. And where most of their competitors will sell out everything they believe in for a few bucks and a latte, Goople is deeply, radically purposive: they won’t compromise much, if anything, to achieve the goal of changing the world for the better.
Go read that and remember the graphic above. And then keep this in mind whenever you’re thinking of a company’s strategy.
von Roland Hachmann | März 19, 2008 | Ad News, Blog, Digital Culture, Digital Marketing, Digital News, Marketing, Marketing Trends
Adage published a „digital issue“, which seems to be completely accessible online. (Why wouldn’t it, anyway?) I haven’t read through the entire set of articles just yet, however there seem to be some interesting thoughts. Things like the 70/20/10 rule for marketing budgets, a short article about what the h*** are widgets, and a little crystal ball 2.0 outlook (still need to finish that one).