Jeff Jarvis in a Techcrunch Interview at Next09 Conference

During the last couple of days at the next09 conference here in Hamburg Germany, I enjoyed quite a few very interesting presentations, talks and discussions. Amongst the internationally known people were bloggers/thinkers such as Jeff Jarvis, Brian Solis, Umair Haque, Steve Rubel, Stowe Boyd plus a few others. Of course, there were also many well known digerati from Germany/Europe, checkout the next conference homepage for a list of the speakers.

One of the most inspiring speaches was the keynote of Jeff Jarvis, who just wrote the book „what would Google do„.

Techcrunch’s Robin Wauters interviewed Jeff Jarvis during the conference for a quick take on the points he made during his presentations at next09:

Video Interview: Jeff Jarvis at Next09 from Plugg Conference on Vimeo.

Interview with Obamas New Media Operation Manager

Mary C. Joyce was the New Media Operation Manager of Barrack Obama’s electoral staff. German Techsite Golem interviewed her during re:publica, a german blogger conference last week. It’s not about the tools, she says, it’s the strategy. I almost guessed that…

Weblinks, April 8th