von Roland Hachmann | Juli 4, 2008 | Ad News, Blog, Digital Culture, Digital Marketing, Marketing, Online Advertising, Social Media Marketing
The Toyota Scion social media campaign is amazing for two reasons. First, the casestudy written by the agency lists a few „rules“ for social media strategy which I find quite interesting. You can find those listed below.
The second thing: in the case study, it sounds like a huge, complicated social media campaign, when read quickly. But instead, it’s just a crowd sourcing campaign from what I can see. Users can create their own scion crest on the Scion Speak Website, download it, upload it to facebook or stick it to their car. Nothing more, nothing less. One of the key parts of the campaign was engaging a grafitti artist, who designed all the details you could use to create the crest:
With Scion, we ensured that we developed Scion Speak in collaboration with the Scion enthusiast audience. In fact, we used some of the leaders of the existing online Scion communities to help us to develop the Scion design language. We also ensured that this brand site was designed for purely social and expressive purposes and did not feel like a corporate or money-generating venture.
So apart from the general idea, which seems to fit well to the target audience here are the social media strategy considerations that were mentioned in the casestudy:
Define the key social behaviors of your target online. Where are they socializing? What are the social habits, (e.g., Forrester has social-networking consumer profile segments such as critics, spectators, sharers, etc.) online?
Identify your brand’s social behavior and objective in the social space. How should it socialize with your target? What is the brand’s primary purpose in the social network? Facilitating self-expression? Listening? What is its role at this social party and what useful tools can it create to facilitate this?
Create social-media content; don’t advertise on it. If you’re not providing content, ensure that you are providing a useful service. Social media helps people manage their social lives. It enables them to do something they are already interested in. It gives them the tools to allow for this. Social media provides a service—information, connection points, etc.
Be careful you’re not duplicating established social communities. If your audience is using a strongly established community (i.e., recipe sharing), why create a duplicate, marketing-based branded version of the same community? Why would your target leave the existing community for a branded version of the same offer?
Don’t hijack consumers’ social networks. At the least, marketers should be invited into the social culture. But even better, marketers should create their own culture that consumers want to join. They should also be mindful of forcing friends to endorse products among their peers. Users should be voluntary brand ambassadors, not an enforced sales force.
These points might make it into my set of powerpoint slides regarding social media.
von Roland Hachmann | Juli 3, 2008 | Blog, Digital Culture
This guy is amazing. He is only 14 years old, yet he has more than 40m video views in total. His YouTube channel has been viewd almost 6m times and he has more than a quarter of a million subscribers. And all he does (from the little I could cope with watching), is talk incredibly fast in an artificially high pitched (pretending to be 6 years old) voice about stuff that matters to kids. It’s a show by kids for kids. Not suitable for anyone over 16. But the kids love him. They
„…just think he’s the funniest thing ever […] fall on the floor hysterically laughing. They’re just mesmerized“ (source)
This is what you get, when you let the crowd do their stuff. Would any CEO of a TV station or production company have signed this concept off or given any budget for it? And how much budget would a professional production company have spent to produce these?
It is surprising, to say the least, what gets popular these days and what doesn’t. Never underestimated user generated content!
von Roland Hachmann | Juni 19, 2008 | Blog
I am very much looking to the next weekend. The University of Stirling, Scotland, celebrated its 40th anniversary of the University of Stirling. For me it will be the 10 year anniversary, having studied in Stirling from ’94 till ’98. One of the guys has organised a reUNIon for all of the alumni of ’98, you can find more information at this facebook event group.
(University of Stirling, 10 years ago)
The class of ’98 is spread out all over the globe. Amongst the people who are on the facebook distribution list some live in california, canada, or other far away places by now. Still, I will be able to meet quite a few people again, after all these years, which makes it ever more exciting. Having pints at the students pub with everybody, picnicing at the Loch of the Uni, may be even pub crawling through Bridge of Allan, like in the messy days. And after that I’ll visit some friends in Glasgow. More about my travels will be posted to my German blog (in German, sorry about that).
von Roland Hachmann | Juni 12, 2008 | Blog, Digital Marketing, Marketing, Marketing Trends, Online Advertising, Social Media Marketing
I was going to comment on Pete Blackshaws Post „Twitter Spam„, but unfortunately, the long and complex typekey registration process put me off. So I will comment here and trackback, why not. And I can even add my own screenshots.
In his post, Pete suspects twitter now having spam profiles. I second that, I have a Chinese Hotel,a kidney stones and a prostrate cancer follower. Seems like twitter is slowly becoming a playing field of professional spammers, too.
von Roland Hachmann | Juni 5, 2008 | Blog, Digital Culture, Digital Marketing, Marketing Trends, Social Media Marketing
Just a quick one: here are 2 presentations about social media that I found in the last few days:
Neil Perkin about what’s next in Media:
The second one is about the future of social networks, a research report by futurethink.