I really enjoyed the presentation below published by Kai Platschke provocatively titled „Digital is dead“. It isn’t nonsense, of course, instead Kai argues that soon enough, everything is digital. So it won’t make sense any longer to differentiate between digital and non-digital. I strongly agree!
The world cup has finally started. Sorry for the long silence, I was quite busy with my new project, the vanille shop e-commerce site. (More about that some other time)
Whereas Twitter didn’t exist for regular users during the last worldcup (2006), it is now present – more than ever. And they have launched a website for the display of realtime updates.
All tweets with certain hashtags will be aggregated, writes mashable. You can also watch updates by country (or even by match) via the three letter country abbreviation.
I am sure there are more realtime services based on twitter out there, will keep you posted.
While I was at work today, a few colleagues watched a live stream via the public television channel ARD in Germany. Interesting to me was the facebook chat going on to the right of the video window. Unfortunately I didn’t take a screengrab of the site, but I will during the next game that is streamed with a facebook chat next to it.
Erik Qualman just released a „refresh“ of the socialnomics video published a few months ago. Since the numbers in social media developments are so quickly evolving, this refresh seems about time.
If you just want to see the numbers and stats, you can visit Eriks blogpost here. If you’re from outside the US, chances are that you might not be able to see the youtube-video due to music rights regulations in Europe.
(Note to Erik: Next time also publish a video without the music, which is the only reason for Youtube blocking the video).
The new stats of Facebook in Germany are amazing. Growth during the last few months has been aroung 10% more or less steadily. With 9.1 million users, facebook is now the largest social network in Germany, having surpassed StudiVZ, which used to be the largest.
In terms of sociodemographic, it is still 50/50 between men and women, the largest group being within the age bracket of 18-34 years old. Representative enough for most social media marketing initiatives.
The implications for marketers are quite interesting. When thinking about social media activities, facebook is now the big pond in which to place the lure. It’s the place to go to when thinking about launching any involving apps or quizzes to reach the target audience.
Yet, it is still a place where most users just go to find out about the news from their network. Some (attractive) brands have achieved „likes“ and made into the newsfeed of users. But I bet there are many more brands that have launched facebook activities which never made the news. Which will be the most successful German brands on Facebook at the end of 2010? I’ll keep you posted.
Germanwings and easyjet are two low budget airlines competing on the german market. German wings now came up with a peculiar idea of comparative advertising. It’s a novel idea, however I am not sure if I really like the execution, but judge for yourself: