More than 100 Guerilla Ideas
Many of them are quite a few years old, but this is probably the best compilation of guerilla marketing ideas out there:
Many of them are quite a few years old, but this is probably the best compilation of guerilla marketing ideas out there:
This infographic shows how much social media really costs, even though twitter and facebook might be „free“. It also shows some of the beneifts at the same time.
(via digitalbuzz blog)
Spoofs are the best compliment for good advertising. Here is a spoof of the legendary Volkswagen „Darth Vader“ Ad: new old spice commercial is on air (only outside the US, apparently).
Some things changed compared to the last concept: For one, there is a new actor, secondly, there is now also a lady in the spot, third: it’s not a one-shot clip any longer.
Well, I don’t think it’s half as cool as the clips from last year.
Some will have noticed this already, others might have followed the last link in my twitter stream: I will now tweet with @netzfischer instead of @webjungle. (Apart from that, most won’t change.)
Why? Here are some reasons:
While these are only things facilitating the change, the real reason lies somewhere else:
WebJungle is my blog abour marketing, covering my professional passion.
But my interests in internet culture is much broader than this. My german Netzfischer Blog covers my broader interests in terms of net culture, curious net findings, etc. and hence the nick Netzfischer much better represents my full web interest. At the end of the day, my marketing likes (webjungle) are just part of my overall web likes (netzfischer)
Another important reason is branding: „Netzfischer“ ist much better in the German Blogosphere than „WebJungle“. When I started with Twitter in 2007, I spend much more time in the international marketing space. Since I am now spending an increasing amount of time in the German blogosphere, this makes much sense to me, and hopefully my followers.
So I might loose some of you trusted international followers, as well as follower solely interested in Marketing, but I have to do this, for me to have it make sense.
There will still be tweets about marketing at my @netzfischer handle, but the mix with other topics will be broader.
This blog, however, I will still write in English for now.
So what’s the next big thing? What happens, when Social Media becomes business as usual (as it has for some companies in some way already)?
Seth Priebatsch argues, that it could be a game layer that will be put on top of future marketing programmes. See for yourself: