A nice example of an impressing idea, that makes a small thing big and produces an enormous amount of effort at the same time. Don’t get me wrong. I like the idea. But it’s big – both in fascination, as well as the whole setup….
I know that it is rather hard to convince clients of this kind of idea because of efforts (time, client/agency ressources, money) involved, yet at the same time probably not being able to predict outcome and effect in any way. So Kudos to whichever agency (does anyone know?)…
The Sweds tend to come up with quite a few nice mobile marketing campaigns lately. Remember the MINI Getaway?
Now there is a campaign for the Swedish Post called „Sweden’s safest hands“. Using your iPhone, it’s your task to safely deliver virtual parcels around the city:
Nice idea, but I really wonder, how these campaigns deliver in terms of actual KPI. As playful and involving as they might be – they seem to be very complicated for reaching a large audience.
It probably wasn’t the intention in the first place. Yet somehow I get the feeling that the viral spread of the case videos are the main objective of the communication strategy…
Nevertheless, I like the playful, gamification aspects of both cases!
Long time no update, I am sorry about that. Things are busy lately and it will stay that way for a few more weeks. In the meantime, here is a nice little pisstake for you to watch: