It’s nothing new. The value of an existing customer is rather high, when treated correctly. We all know examples like „It is 6 to 7 times more costly to win a new customer than to retain existing ones“. Flowtown has produced an infographic on this topic:
This, at first, came across as a rather nice gadget for social media nerds: the social media platform atlas. It shows an overview of interactions possible on the worlds largest social network:
Platlas is designed to help you better understand your social networks. Our goal with this project is to introduce a new and interactive perspective to the variety of actions users take on their social platforms. To better educate users and companies alike, we’ve created the first ever social network ecosystem exploration tool. (…)
Starting from a user’s profile in the center of the circle and moving outwards this interactive guide illustrates the hierarchy of Facebook user actions from the perspective of content creation and interaction. (see here)
Clicking through the tool, you can arrange the info in various ways to figure out how to use facebook. The added value does not seem to be extremely high, but it is in fact a nice interactive infographic. No more, no less, if you ask me.
More interesting, however, is the way the video and the introduction to the tool is done. On the page you can read about the technical specs of the tool (i.e. javascript, no flash, etc.).
In the video (if you haven’t watched it yet), you don’t only see the people involved in the project explaining the tool, expressing their pride. You can also see many views across the agency. This way, people can get a feeling for what the agency is like. Whether it is a nice place to work at.
My guess is: this is a clever recruitment „campaign“. May be also built for some new business activities. But when watching the video I got the feeling their first objective was to lure prospective employees…
ecircle has produced an infographic on how users interact with brands via email and social media. For obvious reasons did eCircle include email usage as a main component in this study, but interesting nevertheless also for social media marketers.
I appologize to my readers not speaking German. But this viral is just plain silly. It’s made to promote a traditional German guild (Dachdeckerinnung Oberschwaben). However, the dialog is just like in a straight from cheap porn movie (so I heard…).
What’s particularly entertaining is the description added on youtube explaining the video:
Ding Dong ist ein lustiger Werbespot der Dachdeckerinnung Oberschwaben und richtet sich an junge Leute, die auf der Suche nach einer Lehrstelle sind. Die Schauspielerin Martina Schölzhorn ist bekannt aus der Serie „Sturm der Liebe“. Die beiden Dachdecker werden von Thomas Jakob und Chris Gutjahr gespielt, die man u.a. aus dem Kurzfilm „Backstage“ kennt.