Ultimately, it’s going to be about creating experiences for people…

…says John Hayes of American Express about the future of marketing. I highly recommend this Interview with him. Even though it’s a few months old, John Hayes says a few things that I agree on, and of which I hope that he continues to be right about.

What really got me to write this was a post, that I found: Gareth Kay wonders about a $200m product placement deal of VW.

NY Times has a story on it. VW can place its cars in movies of Universal, TV shows of NBC and sibling networks, and can even promote its cars on DVDs and in the Universal theme parks.

But no one expects product placement to replace traditional corporate advertising campaigns in the foreseeable future. „The classical communications tools like advertising will always be there and we will always need them,“ said Dirk Grosse-Leege.
„But product placement is gaining much more importance,“ Mr. Grosse-Leege said, noting that some of the money to pay for the deal with NBC Universal will come from the budget for traditional advertising.

Notice the way it’s going? Of course, traditional campaigns are not yet a thing of the past. But spending $200m on product placement, while the overal advertising budget of VW and partners is roughly $600m – I call that quite a big step…

Apart from maybe the Super Bowl, where quite a few people aparently TiVO the game (in this case: searching for the ads, skipping the game, instead of vice versa, for which the „verb“ TiVO is now used), the traditional „I TELL YOU!“ advertising is decreasing. Now it’s more of a „let me tell you“. Meaning advertisers are more and more trying to find listeners in places and channels where they are more inclined to be receptive to the message. Or story – because that’s where advertising, in the case of VW, is trying to find its place. Within a set story.

Ford’s British division also paid the author Carole Matthews to mention the Fiesta, a model sold in Europe, in two novels. (Also from the NY Times article)

It’s a general trend, that the big advertising $$ are put into other than the traditional media, trying channels that have so far not played such a great role in advertising.
Think about BMW Films or the American Express Seinfeld Episodes (which don’t seem to be online any longer). Several minute long films, that sit happily on the web waiting for users to find and enjoy them. And the story isn’t even about the car. The car is only one accessory of the story.

Or think about Online Games. PepsiCo chose to launch its soft drink, Mountain Dew, in Finland almost exclusively through Habbo Hotel. This was more of a sponsorship, I think, but the trend of ads in online games is huge, as online games outgrow traditional single-player desktop games.

The media landscape is continously fragmenting with the target audience increasingly in control. And while this statement isn’t new, I think we still haven’t seen the least of this development. John Hayes of American Express said last year, that they now only spend 35% of their budget on TV, coming from around 80% a decade ago.
Wait for more exciting announcements of big companies shifting their advertising budgets, as the consumer is all-ways on.

Me and my iPod

Still going on about the iPod – you rarely find products that have such a strong fan-base that people even take a picture of themselves together with the product to show to complete strangers by posting it in places like the iPod Photo Galleries. I wonder which other products experience this kind of enthusiasm?

VW Ad – a happy end

Well, it seems that the whole thing is being settled rather fair. I couldn’t really imagine VW suing these guys, that would have damaged their image more than the spot did…
ad-rag also states that the clip was indeed published through Lee and Dans Website. Surprising, isn’t it??


Wizbang has a reference to the brilliant VW ad that has been around the web for the last couple of days.
Even though VW claims it did not produce this ad and is now even considering legal actions against the creator of this ad, one cannot argue, that the clip is funny and surely helping VW to sell this car (all moral thoughts on car-bombings and terrorism left aside).

Storytelling and „webvertising“

I love good stories. And I really enjoy ad campaigns that tell a story, rather than simply sell a product. Examples are, of course, http://www.bmwfilms.com or the American Express Seinfeld Webisodes, which are apparently not online any longer. Admittingly, these examples are quite old when measured by digital standards.
There was another campaign, which amazed me. It was (is) the Sharp Aquos campaign, which presented three television spots showing one and the same scene, but from different angles – the angles of the three people involved in the story, which could be followed at http://www.moretosee.com/
More than that, the story unfolded across several fake websites setup by Sharp. In the story, Nathalie, Peter and Mike are searching for the whereabouts of three somehow really precious urns. On the web, everybody could join the search, exchanging thoughts about clues they got on these fake websites, all within a forum also setup by Sharp. It ran (at least in Germany) until the end of last year.
So this is also not a very new campaign being finished for the last couple of weeks, but for some reason, people still post their comments on http://forums.steinitzpuzzlers.com/index.php?s=ceb772b96ced472bdad18333d2e7a188&showforum=3

If anybody knows about a new campaign that is a good example of good storytelling, let me know!