von thecod | Apr. 6, 2005 | Blog, Online Advertising
A nice idea from Austria: produce a shitty TV ad aimed at people <30 and then ask them to make it better (which is the translation of the URL: Machsbesser.com
You have to send in your script or a little clip, and if you win, you get to participate in the professional production of your own spot.
Unfortunately this is in german, so some might not be able to understand it. But basically, the big boss at the client hates the ad (and that’s no surprise), all the others have their typical klischee roles of nodding or justifying. Quite funny – but all in all it reminded me somewhat of „truth in advertising“ – sorry can’t find the URL to that one just now…but I guess you have seen that one already, it’s been around for quite some time.
von thecod | März 1, 2005 | Blog, Online Advertising
Here is a campaign I like once again: pimpmyburger.com from, well of course, Burger King. And, apparently an agency from Germany.
I like this, because it once again shows, how much better the internet is as a storytelling medium. The TV campaign (if there is one – I haven’t seen any ads yet) will again show only 30″ worth of content, driving to the site, which tells the whole story (some 52MB worth of footage).
von thecod | Feb. 26, 2005 | Blog, Digital Marketing, Online Advertising
A news clip from clickz:Game Developer Signs a ‚Massive‘ Ad Deal. Not new, this concept, but seemingly a trend developing strongly. Online games with live ads on billboards within the gaming environment are shown to non-subscribers only. A research has apparently shown, that gamers like the ads (as long as they don’t interrupt), because they increase the sense of realism in the game. Funny, isn’t it? One of the only instances I ever heard of, where advertising provides an added value other than, may be, product information or entertainment through the ad itself.
von thecod | Feb. 26, 2005 | Blog, Online Advertising
A small and simple game for Hilton Worldwide Resorts: Cupid’s Catapult. You have to catapult yourself into the arms of your lover. You can enter a prizedraw to win a romantic holiday…
The nice feature: you can challenge your friends – not only by sending them an invite per email, but also by setting up your own exclusive league in which you only compete against each other.
But will this little extra feature be enough to make it a viral success? Don’t know. The game itself isn’t really that fascinating. After a few rounds I was tired of it already…
von thecod | Feb. 25, 2005 | Blog, Digital Marketing, Online Advertising
Here is a great online advertising campaign from Cisco: Hack the hackers desktop. Yes, you can. Go to (it’s in German) and you can „hack“ into Brunos desktop.
Once you’re there, you can see his desktop, with everything on it (including photos of his Girlfriend Cisca). And you can see who’s also online on his desktop through an intrusion detektor (you can also see what they look at!).
There are many other features, like his personal hacking blog, eCards and his email program with many emails going back and forth between him and Cisca, ending abruptly last Oktober. I guess he was „in prison“ for 3 months, having been caught hacking (the last email with the cisco ad of Bruno as a prisoner gives it away – but now he seems to be online again…)
Nicely done with lots of stuff to explore and play around with. I really like online campaigns like that !
von thecod | Feb. 7, 2005 | Blog, Online Advertising
So the lincolnfry really is a fake blog. Funny.
I wasn’t paying much attention to this blog, just wondered about it’s high ranking at blogdex and only had quick look into the blog a couple of days ago.
Well, yesterday, during the Super Bowl, when they also showed an ad about this, they called the whole scam off and put in a link on the website to a rather clearly McDonalds branded
Now they sell it at a yahoo auction (why not ebay? does anyone know?) and it’s currently at $21k already!
Somehow I really like this campaign idea, even though they tried fool the blogging community for some time (though I wonder how they got this blog so high up on the blogdex, but I guess that was set up, too).
[21st Feb Update: the lincoln fry sold for around 75k in the end – purchased by the GoldenPalace, who already bought the cheese toast with Marie on it… WHY??]