von thecod | Juli 25, 2005 | Blog, Online Advertising
OK, Monty Python is probably not responsible for this site, but they could have been nevertheless regarding all the design, animation and sounds of this campaign site of Nestea-Ice.

What I particularly like about this site:
– just a gadget, but hey: wheneverthe app is downloading something, the scale doesn’t count from 0 to 100%, but down from 100° down to 0° – because Nestea Ice is cold, isn’t it?
– in the start up screen, before you enter the site, you get a mini-game, in which you can freeze little sheep by dropping Nestea Ice on to them from high above.
– there is a section with videos and man, they seem to be some of the cheapest production – they used marionettes for this. Shows how a simple idea can be realised without huge costs (even though this site will already have cost some good money).
Somehow I wasn’t able to enter the contest, so I have no idea what this is about, but hey, the rest is already quite entertaining.
von thecod | Juli 25, 2005 | Blog, Online Advertising
For the new movie, wedding crashers, there is a really neat microsite up now.
Whoever did this site (please let me know) has taken the idea further and let’s users crash the trailer. Kudos to the technical team – they have actually made it possible for people to paste their face into this trailer so that it becomes part of the film. You can take up the role of, for example, Owen Wilson and whenever he appears in the trailer, he carries your face instead of his own.
I guess there will be two things in the future:
- This could be a lot of fun, if you paste images of people you don’t like onto one of the most stupidist characters in the movie – and send it around the office, for example.
- The movie industry will leverage this technology to let users produce full feature films with their face in it. Imagine being Luke Skywalker, Frodo, Dirty Harry, etc… Sort of like a Karaoke but as a film, not only a song.
I think this is great and I am sure we’ll see more of this kind of stuff in the future…

von thecod | Juli 24, 2005 | Blog, Online Advertising
Burger King keeps putting out nice online stuff. I wonder if this is, once again, from CP&B? Couldn’t find that out just now…
On this sitelet, users can create their own comic strip based on the movie „fantastic 4“. You can choose the visuals, add your own copy in speechbubbles and some „sound bites“ typical for comics.
Of course, on the last page it’s about BK: you can put together your favourite meal (do I smell some background market research?). I guess this was a clients request: „we cannot only make promotion about the film, we need to add something about our burgers!“
Anyway, users can have it their way, which is what BK has been all about over decades…

(via here and here)
von thecod | Juni 25, 2005 | Blog, Online Advertising
Companice pointed me to „come clean„, a site where you can confess anonymously, while other people can read your confessions on the website, or even within a screensaver (what for, though?).

Nice idea, but not so new. I have already seen this idea before (see here – in german). It’s Postsecret, a regular blog, graphically not as nice and without a link to a screensaver, but essentially the same idea…

Question is: did Crispin Porter Bogusky know about this? And if so, should they have won a Cyber Lion, the most prestigious award, with it?
[27th June:] I just learned at Companice that cp&b actually had their site up since autumn last year, while postsecret is only up since the beginning of this year.
von thecod | Juni 3, 2005 | Blog, Online Advertising
Axe continues to play on the game of seduction (see Evan and Gareth) with an upcoming game called the Mojomaster.

It looks much like the „Singles“ game to me. Except that they will have some advertising in the game, I’m certain. You can test your seduction skills on virtual women-avatars. Quite sure this will contribute to the stupidification of society.
We had the Sims, we have Secondlife and There. These are, at least communities of real members, even though I don’t understand how you can spend so much time „talking“ to people you will most likely never get to know personally. But in this game your flirting with your computer.
Also, extremely annoying – I have not yet found out how to turn the sound of this thing off.
von thecod | Mai 26, 2005 | Blog, Online Advertising
Again, something from BK: the sithsense. Lord Vader guesses your thoughts. It took him 17 questions to guess what I was thinking. Which was nothing in particular at first and turned into something concrete while I was answering his questions. Funny – did he influence my mind at the same time 🙂
Disturbing: at the end, an odd looking „King“ comes in and seems to whisper the answer to Lord Vader. As if he needs BK to help him out… weird. Don’t think this will make it as viral as the chicken.