von Roland Hachmann | März 12, 2006 | Blog, Digital Marketing, Online Advertising
Mary Woodbridge’s Everest Expedition is a fairly new viral campaign from Mammut in Switzerland. Cup of Java has more detailed information on the story:
…featuring an 85-year old woman who had bought herself a Mammut jacket and suddenly found herself wanting to conquer Mount Everest with her dachshund Daisy

The interesting thing about this scoop: over 250 newspapers, TV-Stations, etc. have written about the 85-year-old trying to climb Mount Everest.
A German site has more background on how the media were fooled (or rather: took part in the nonsense by not researching properly).
To some extent that reminds me of the fictional character Chad Kroski, that T-Mobile invented – and for which it got into massive trouble, when they faked a wikipedia entry. (Which still exists – now with the complete information, though.)
von Roland Hachmann | Feb. 15, 2006 | Blog, Digital Marketing, Online Advertising
Whhoow, how cool is that?
AdLand pointed me to a campaign Volvo did for prospects around the world.
They sent out 3D glasses (the ones with a red and a green lens) with a URL printed on them leading to a microsite, where you can watch a story in 3D. The first internet site in 3D, as they claim – and which I can’t verify just now…

von Roland Hachmann | Jan. 29, 2006 | Ad News, Blog, Digital Marketing, Digital News, Online Advertising
Just a quick update on a recent post: The Honda choir spot apparently had 800.000 viewers last week, as the wieden&kennedy blog states.
Not bad considering the fact that the distribution (=media) costs for this 2 minute piece must have been minimal compared to regular TV rates. Plus the fact, that many have blogged and/or talked about this.
von Roland Hachmann | Jan. 16, 2006 | Blog, Digital Marketing, Online Advertising
This is clearly one of the smartest and best brand microsites I have seen in a while: From A-Class to S-Class by Mercedes Benz.

With each letter of the alphabet (but only until S) this site shows one of the features that prove that Mercedes Benz pays a lot of attention to detail. This alone doesn’t strike one as being overly interesting.
What makes this a true „experience“ of the features is the way you explore everything with your mousepointer. In the screenshot above, you push down the leather while moving your mousepointer across the leather. In another one, you can see how your mousepointer starts skidding away in a straight line once you moved over a puddle of what I reckon is oil. This one shows how ESP gives you directional stability.
In the beginning, the site even teaches you the three main ways of interaction with your mouse on this site: roll-over, click, click and drag. (Makes you wonder about the target group.)
A lot of fun, while using interactivity to its fullest, to demonstrate each point. Well done!
And now for the marketing bit: they didn’t publish all features just now. May be because they aren’t finished yet, but who believes that?. I think it’s a rather clever stunt to collect addresses: when I clicked on a letter that wasn’t „live“ yet, I got a message saying that I would be informed of updates if I leave my email address (and it obviously also had a check box for „further information in the future“). Of course I left my email address. For one, because I infact do want to see the next couple of letters. Secondly, I want to see the follow-up email they’ll send me. Should be interesting!
von Roland Hachmann | Jan. 14, 2006 | Ad News, Blog, Online Advertising
Here is a Honda TV Spot that is currently making it’s round across several blogs.
I am curious to learn about how many views Honda gets with this spot – as it seems to be quite well promoted via a choir of word-to-mouth propaganda.
On some blogs, people ask what does it sell or achieve?
What does it achieve for Honda? Unfortunately, not much of anything. The same spot could have featured a Toyota, Volkswagen or Mercedes, and it would have worked just as well creatively.
Well, you could ask the same question for most car ads. In fact, you could ask the same about most spots these days.
At the same time, I have thought more about Honda (and in parts the Civic) in those 2 Minutes, than I have in the last couple weeks.
Or as Werbeblogger puts it, the Honda brand will most likely have moved up the ranks in the list of cars I remember the next time I buy a car.
On the microsite you can of course explore the car’s features. But you can also see the making of the spot.
von Roland Hachmann | Jan. 8, 2006 | Blog, Digital Culture, Online Advertising
A lot of sources have already talked about this site: The million dollar homepage, where a guy is selling off 1 million pixels of his homepage at $1 per pixel. By the way, he needs more than the average screen resolution of 1024×768, because that’s just 786432 in total – that means more than 200,000 Pixels are definitely not visible when visiting the site!

Now he’s selling of the last 1,000 Pixels on ebay. Which is always good for publicity – selling on ebay, that is.
Amazing fact: the bids are already over $160k!
So I go on to ask myself the same question as probably 1 million other people worldwide: Why didn’t I come up with such nonsense? All my other ideas are usually just as stupid!
Oh, and while we’re wondering who might be the lucky bidder: my guess is that it’ll be the Golden Casino, once again. They already bought the car of the pope, some burned piece of toasted bread, the linconl fry, etc. All via ebay – the must have a coop with ebay on this. (There was once a blogpost by someone on how to create a buzz through useless ebay auctions, but I can’t find it any more – this was definitely before de.licio.us!)