Dominos Pizza in den USA setzt voll auf den Gamification Trend und hat eine App entwickeln lassen, anhand der User sich ihre Pizza auf dem iPad selbst zusammenstellen können (inkl. Lob vom „Chef“). Natürlich kann man diese Pizza gleich aus der App raus bestellen.
The Sweds tend to come up with quite a few nice mobile marketing campaigns lately. Remember the MINI Getaway?
Now there is a campaign for the Swedish Post called „Sweden’s safest hands“. Using your iPhone, it’s your task to safely deliver virtual parcels around the city:
Nice idea, but I really wonder, how these campaigns deliver in terms of actual KPI. As playful and involving as they might be – they seem to be very complicated for reaching a large audience.
It probably wasn’t the intention in the first place. Yet somehow I get the feeling that the viral spread of the case videos are the main objective of the communication strategy…
Nevertheless, I like the playful, gamification aspects of both cases!
Small but smart idea: how did coke get people of Israel to put the coke bottles into recycling bins? They used location based services to show everyone where the recycling bins are. It even demonstrated some game mechanic: whoever checked in most in those locations became recycling king:
This is an interesting idea by Budweiser. the hotter the weather, the better the beer promotion. If it gets really, really hot, you get the bud for free. Otherwise, you get 1€ or 2€ off. The mobile app tells you which rebate is on. (See Adverblog for Screenshots of the app!)
Here is the commercial related to it (enjoy the „old spice“ style of the video):
This is an interesting example of how you can leverage a location based service like foursquare to make your billboard ads more engaging: every time you check in at the billboard location, a dispenser – part of the „interactive“ billboard – releases some GranataPet dogfood.
Of course, you could have chosen SMS or Bluetooth as a way to interact with the billboard. But in that case, there wouldn’t have been any connection with the social network of the target audience. Using foursquare, the dog owners could inform not only their foursquare friends, but also their facebook friends and their twitter followers of the new way to access GranataPet dogfood…
Nice little idea – I just wonder, why they had to produce a dedicated app. Would be so much easier for users if they could just checkin use their existing Facebook/Foursquare checkins…