The new Net boom

David Kirkpatrick of Fortune has good news for everyone working in this industry: The new Net boom is happening.

It may look like 1999, but this time it’s for real, and users, rather than investment bankers, stand to benefit. […] This is a real industry boom, not a Wall Street-hyped investment bubble.

Companies actually find ways of delivering added value for users before they sell their business model. And the entrepreneurs don’t aim for an IPO („instant porsche owner“), they mostly sell to bigger companies.

An encouraging trend, hope Mr. Kirkpatrick is right!

Links & News – 17. March

Steve Rubel points twice to a Forrester Research:

I guess this report is really worth getting.

Some other interesting stuff:

A lot of fun on its way until the worldcup starts…

A highly amusing Microsite by Pepsi for the upcoming worldcup in Germany:

The main feature of the site is a video with some of the top footballers (ronaldo, ronaldinho, beckham) playing football against a bunch of bavarian (!) – not German – fellows. People outside Germany might not be aware of this: There is more to Germany, than just Bavaria. But I guess, people outside Germany don’t care about this (and why should they, admittingly).

The underlying song (da, da, da) is one of the most famous German songs – however, it is almost 20 years old. Question is: is it Pepsi, or us Germans, who couldn’t do any better than that?

A feature I found quite funny: „have your favourite German call“ – you can select a sentence spoken in a heavy German accent and then send this audio to a mobile phone of a friend of yours! It didn’t work for me, I guess it just works in the US.

I guess we’ll see a lot more of this in the next 3 months. Just wait what’ll happen, once the guys from England start „slagging the krauts“.

(thanks, Adland.) | Media | Internet means end for media barons, says Murdoch

The Guardian picks up on a speech given by Rupert Murdoch:

Far from mourning its passing, he evangelised about a digital future that would put that power in the hands of those already launching a blog every second, sharing photos and music online and downloading television programmes on demand. „A new generation of media consumers has risen demanding content delivered when they want it, how they want it, and very much as they want it,“ he said.


I think he said something like that before.