von Roland Hachmann | Mai 5, 2006 | Blog, Digital Culture, Digital News
As Sam Flemming writes, this chinese blog should really be at Nr. 1 of the Technorati Charts.
Just browsing through some of her articles, you can see she can get well over 100,000 page views per article and at least 1,000 comments per article, sometimes 3-4,000
Now, after Sams intervention, this blog sits at Nr. 1 of the Technorati Charts. Here is background info by Steve Rubel.
Given the rapid growth in blogging in other languages we’re going to see a big shake-up in the so-called „A-list.“ Lots of bloggers in other countries, particularly Asia, are going to push the rest of us down the food chain. Good for them. The blogosphere is truly flat.
Scary, the thought that at some point we will not be able to read any of the A-List Blogs, if they all look like the one of Xu Jing Lei:
von Roland Hachmann | Mai 4, 2006 | Ad News, Blog, Digital Culture, Digital Marketing, Digital News, Online Advertising
- Adverblog has some stats on the alternative online advertising channels (blogs, RSS, etc.). Growth rates of 190% are fantastic. Just don’t tell anyone your starting at next to zero…
- PFSK pointed me to a post on their companion site „IF„, which lists trend aggregator websites – highly recommendable!“
- popurls is one they forgot in this list. This covers newest links, entries, headlines, fotos, videos, etc. of all the new and/or hip sites, such as youtube, flickr, del.icio.us, furl, digg, etc. Fascinating, go check it out.
- Joseph Jaffe starts an interesting discussion about that fact MSM should, reallistically, also send trackbacks (or references as such) to blogs, if they heard about the story through blogs first. And I completely agree! Never be „ashamed“ of your sources. Especially not at times, when it is apparent that bloggers quite often have the first (not necessarily the best) insights into stories.
- Too bad. But I can see why. Would be even more so the case in Germany…
von Roland Hachmann | Mai 2, 2006 | Blog, Digital Culture, Digital News
PSFK points us to the SecondLife Job Club:
…where they will present to attendees a number of opportunities to make money in Second Life
There are many examples of people who make real money within the virtual world of SecondLife, so this could be really worthwhile.
On the other side: these guys have figured out how to make money out of SecondLife in the REAL world!
Check it out yourself.
von Roland Hachmann | Apr. 25, 2006 | Blog, Digital Culture, Digital Marketing, Digital News, Online Advertising, SEO / SEA
- Webmonkey has an interview aboutSearch Engine Optimization: „Bryan Zilar recently sat down with strategy consultant and SEO guru Jason McQueen to talk about all things search“.
- Yahoo! now offers an online video meshup tool, writes business 2.0 blog.
- Futurelab calls the Gnarls Barkley Nr. 1 hit video a casestudy in word-of-mouth.
- Marketing.fm points me to the Technology Evangelist, who examines the differences between Online and Offline Advertising. Some interesting points he’s making.
- Wired writes about an interesting survey: „Some 45 percent of internet users, or an estimated 60 million Americans, said the internet helped them make big decisions or face a major moment in their life during the previous two years“
von Roland Hachmann | Apr. 23, 2006 | Blog, Digital Culture, Digital News
An Article on CNN descripes how Netflix worked for 7 years on improving their envelope to be sent by mail the most cost efficient way. Nice try. They should have asked themselves, if their distribution channel was future-safe in the first place.
How well those iconic red envelopes will help the company fend off the newest threat – video-on-demand – remains to be seen.
I don’t think envelopes will matter any longer in a few years time.
von Roland Hachmann | Apr. 22, 2006 | Ad News, Blog, Digital Culture, Digital Marketing, Digital News, Online Advertising
- The Boston Globe lists 8 reasons why blogging is good for you and your career. (via)
- Futurelab asks: Brand Innovation: What�s Next? and gives some advice how to change brand management in the future: „In short, brands need to stop talking „to“, yet start talking „with“ their customers.“ Not new, but always true.
- Church of the customer blog writes about some leading companies (e.g. Yahoo and Dow Jones) creating job positions for Word of Mouth Marketeers.
- German Advertising magazine w&v has good news: the online advertising market grows, even in Germany, and German multimedia agencies experience strong growth, too.
- Random Culture says, that the Long Tail should be the book to buy, if you only buy one book this year. I agree, I can’t wait for it either. It ships in July, but you can already pre-oder now at amazon.
- Another one from Random Culture: a video compilation with excellent Guerrilla and outdoor ideas