von Roland Hachmann | Sep. 28, 2006 | Blog, Digital Culture, Digital Marketing, Digital News
Businessweek Online has a „Tech Special Report“ online with lots of interesting articles. And also a slideshow about „Your Favorite Bloggers“ – the guys behind boingboing, engadget. People like Seth Godin, Mark Cuban, etc. Nice flick through those slides. Unfortunately, the corresponding list for Germany would be different. We still don’t have that kind of blog-celebrity culture over here…
Other than that there are a few other things worth reading:
- The internet is an entertainment medium:
According to the Pew Internet Life Survey, on any given day, 40 million Americans go to the Web for no particular reason, just to pass the time.
- An article about the (on the web) neglected target audience of the 50 year old baby boomers:
Today, baby boomers make up the Web’s largest constituency, accounting for fully one-third of the 195.3 million Web users in the U.S., according to JupiterResearch. They also spend more money on online shopping than your average Web user.
- And an article about Six Apart, and how it evolved from the very first journal entries of Mena Trott to the company it is today.
von Roland Hachmann | Sep. 13, 2006 | Blog, Digital Culture, Digital Marketing, Digital News
There is a rather interesting story on Technology Review by James Surowiecki, who wrote the book „wisdom of the crowds“ (very recommendable) and is also a writer for the New Yorker. He interviewed Joshua Schachter, who founded del.icio.us and later on sold it to Yahoo!. He was one of the first to introduce the tagging-system to organise information. A very useful invention, since the internet is more and more becoming a jungled web of microcontent that resides (for example) in blogs, addressable by permalinks. You find an article, you loose an article. And if Google decides to change their algorithm from one month to another, you will most likely never find that piece of information again. And here comes del.icio.us. Invented by Schachter for that one sole purpose: have a well functioning bookmarking system, in which you can find information sorted by your own criteria, i.e. tags. He first only built it for himself, but soon noticed the power of it. Later he sold it to Yahoo! and now he thinks about how to increase the user base from the still rather small number of 300.000 to a number that more resembles the „early majority“:
But even as tagging has become an industry buzzword that businesses are straining to associate themselves with, Schachter is confronting the fact that the vast majority of people on the Web don’t tag at all–and probably have never even heard of tagging. So how does he expand his sites audience? „You have to solve a problem that people actually have,“ Schachter says. „But it’s not always a problem that they know they have, so that’s tricky.“
I had the same problem. I wanted to manage the microcontent that’s out there on the web, but I didn’t have a useful tool except bookmarks, which are tedious to manage. And even when I started using del.icio.us, I had to get used to it. Quite frequently I forgot to press the del.icio.us button and then, a couple of surfs away, I noticed it.
However, tagging and folksonomies are great, when it comes to organising information in a swarm like behaviour. And it is especially nice for the companies engaging their users in this manner:
The real magic of folksonomies–and the reason sites like del.icio.us can create so much value with so little hired labor–is that they require no effort from users beyond their local work of tagging pages for themselves. It just happens that the by-product of that work is a very useful system for organizing information.
– which leads me to another news item:
Google Image Labeler asks users to associate tags with images taken from their image search. Clever move. To better organise their image search, they moved to a folksonomy. Asking people to tag pictures, instead of looking for meta-information on the page the image is located on, will greatly improve the relevance of the results of their image search.
Of course, you ask yourself: why would anyone go through the effort of tagging other people’s pictures for no good reason? Well, Google made a game out of it. You play against another user. Within 1.5 minutes you have to put as many tags against images, as possible. Whoever has more, wins. (I just haven’t found yet, what you can actually win.)
Very clever, indeed…
(via, at least the first part.)
von Roland Hachmann | Sep. 10, 2006 | Blog, Digital Culture, Digital News
Boing Boing writes that some organisations apparently try to enforce broadcasting/webcasting rights.
The Broadcast Treaty is an attempt to force the world’s governments to give a new right to broadcasters, a right to control the use of works they don’t own. The Broadcast Right will allow broadcasters to stop you from copying or re-using the programs they transmit, even if those programs are in the public domain, Creative Commons licensed or composed of uncopyrightable facts.
And this should then be applied to webcasting:
The webcasting right will break podcasters‘ ability to quote and re-use each others‘ work (even CC-licensed works), and other video found on the net. It will allow podcast-hosting companies like Yahoo to tell people how they can use your podcasts, even if you want to permit retransmissions.
Given the discussions about net neutrality, DRM, etc. I guess that we will, in 10 years or so, look back at the era of the 90s and the beginning of the new millenium as an exceptional time when things were free, readily mashup-able and rather convenient. A weird era that promised freedom, but didn’t last…
von Roland Hachmann | Aug. 6, 2006 | Blog, Digital News
A couple of times a year (well, the last time seems to have been in November 2005) Chris Anderson looks at the statistics of media usage, budgets, etc. all relevant to his topic of the long tail, and how the media landscape changes…
von Roland Hachmann | Aug. 5, 2006 | Blog, Digital Culture, Digital News
An interesting list about all 2.0 websites, tools, services etc. can be found at the „Sacred Cow Dung“: All Things Web 2.0 – „THE LIST“.
Nevermind not having heard of most sites/services even though I consider myself not completely ignorant, I also think this isn’t even complete. It is already very long, but some services are missing: For one, because this list covers, from what I could see, only US or at least english-language services. And I know of quite a few German examples, so it would be safe to assume that there is an abundance of new sites out there – let’s hope this isn’t bubble 2.0 as some already claim…
von Roland Hachmann | Aug. 2, 2006 | Blog, Digital Culture, Digital Marketing, Digital News, Online Advertising
Clickz writes, that Coca-Cola tries the CGM side of marketing life:
The site launch is part of the company’s global „Coke Side of Life“ campaign. A series of monthly challenges will encourage people around the world to create videos in response to a theme. The first challenge on the site, „The Essence of You,“ is drawn from Wieden Kennedy’s advertising for the client. „If you could bottle the essence of you and share it with the world, what story would you tell?“ asks the site.
They are aparently trying to get a global perspective on the whole CGM thing, let’s see, it sound interesting nevertheless.