A silly viral video from Germany.

I appologize to my readers not speaking German. But this viral is just plain silly. It’s made to promote a traditional German guild (Dachdeckerinnung Oberschwaben). However, the dialog is just like in a straight from cheap porn movie (so I heard…).

What’s particularly entertaining is the description added on youtube explaining the video:

Ding Dong ist ein lustiger Werbespot der Dachdeckerinnung Oberschwaben und richtet sich an junge Leute, die auf der Suche nach einer Lehrstelle sind. Die Schauspielerin Martina Schölzhorn ist bekannt aus der Serie „Sturm der Liebe“. Die beiden Dachdecker werden von Thomas Jakob und Chris Gutjahr gespielt, die man u.a. aus dem Kurzfilm „Backstage“ kennt.

(via davaidavai)

How effective is Gamification?

Gamification is no doubt the next important thing for anyone interested in motivating people, target audiences, employees, etc.

It’s not so much about making things playful so they’re generally more fun, but to design motivation experiences.

Just: how effective is it? here is a nice presentation about this:

KLM live twitter reply by a whole team.

A nice example of an impressing idea, that makes a small thing big and produces an enormous amount of effort at the same time. Don’t get me wrong. I like the idea. But it’s big – both in fascination, as well as the whole setup….

I know that it is rather hard to convince clients of this kind of idea because of efforts (time, client/agency ressources, money) involved, yet at the same time probably not being able to predict outcome and effect in any way. So Kudos to whichever agency (does anyone know?)…

You can find all of their answer videos on their youtube channel.