von Roland Hachmann | Jan. 29, 2006 | Ad News, Blog, Digital Marketing, Digital News, Online Advertising
Just a quick update on a recent post: The Honda choir spot apparently had 800.000 viewers last week, as the wieden&kennedy blog states.
Not bad considering the fact that the distribution (=media) costs for this 2 minute piece must have been minimal compared to regular TV rates. Plus the fact, that many have blogged and/or talked about this.
von Roland Hachmann | Jan. 14, 2006 | Ad News, Blog, Online Advertising
Here is a Honda TV Spot that is currently making it’s round across several blogs.
I am curious to learn about how many views Honda gets with this spot – as it seems to be quite well promoted via a choir of word-to-mouth propaganda.
On some blogs, people ask what does it sell or achieve?
What does it achieve for Honda? Unfortunately, not much of anything. The same spot could have featured a Toyota, Volkswagen or Mercedes, and it would have worked just as well creatively.
Well, you could ask the same question for most car ads. In fact, you could ask the same about most spots these days.
At the same time, I have thought more about Honda (and in parts the Civic) in those 2 Minutes, than I have in the last couple weeks.
Or as Werbeblogger puts it, the Honda brand will most likely have moved up the ranks in the list of cars I remember the next time I buy a car.
On the microsite you can of course explore the car’s features. But you can also see the making of the spot.
von Roland Hachmann | Jan. 11, 2006 | Ad News, Blog, Digital Culture, Digital News
Here is another list of predictions for 2006. Most of it sounds interesting. But here, I just couldn’t help a big fat grin:
Speaking of a higher purpose, Google, NASA and Amazon.com CEO Jeff Bezos will shake hands on an agreement to collaborate on space missions.
Web content shifts from PC to all sorts of other devices (especially mobile).
The iPod is not only bringing record revenue to Apple, it is also becoming part of everyday fashion (see also here).
Apple ignited the storm on podcasting by adding a podcast funtionality to iTunes and the iPod (for which I love them, because I love Podcasts) – and now they stepping backward and add an FM tuner to the iPod? Come on!
Adrants complains about an apparently fake blog by Coke.
By the way, speaking of Adrants: I regularly listen to the „Across the Sound“ Podcast – and since Steve Rubel has unfortunately left the show, Joe Jaffe invites co-hosts to have discussions on new marketing an PR with him.
Steve Hall of Adrants was the latest one of Episode 15 and it was very entertaining and informative!
Congrats to Yahoo! for allways finding exciting companies to purchase. Their mission of becoming the user centric, folksonomistic, semantic, web2.0-istic company fascinates me. If there was one company I would like to work for other than one I currently work for: Yahoo! would be it…
von Roland Hachmann | Jan. 10, 2006 | Ad News, Blog
OK, this took a few seconds, but it sure did make me laugh!
I just wonder how much they had to photohop those cup-handles, because once you get it, they don’t look like ordinary handles any more at all…
von Roland Hachmann | Dez. 5, 2005 | Ad News, Blog, Online Advertising
Quite a few sites pointed me to the new brand image advertising of Honda: The Power of Dreams. While I wasn’t necessarily interested at first, the number of positive reviews changed my mind to have a look. And it is great, no doubt.
What I also noticed, the website showing the webversion of the spot is also interesting: All the products featured in the spot are there to explore, with explanations and stories around them. So make sure you check them out, too.

Oh, and not forgetting about the print ads: at adland, you can also see the print ads for this campaign.
von Roland Hachmann | Okt. 24, 2005 | Ad News, Blog
Random Culture writes Heineken UK Quits TV, in order to invest more in POS marketing. All because the clutter on TV is increasing, and Sky Plus, enabling viewers to skip ads, is on it’s way in the UK (writes Times Online)
And Random Culture wonders:
Umm, wow… did anyone tell them about this whole Internet thing? Most people seem to be taking money away from TV and putting it online. This move by Heineken UK seems to be a move in the opposite direction.
Though I also happily write about companies putting their TV and Print budgets online, I don’t think it’s a logical step to put it there. Quite often, other channels might have the same or even more impact. May be POS can increase sales much more than any online campaign? (I’m sure Heineken has done their homework.)
In addition, they will remain on TV during sport events, when they sponsor short �break bumpers�, as they call it.
The question arises whether the brand image can be sustained through these marketing activities.