Wishlist for the agency of the future

Just a quick pointer: Sapient sponsored a survey in the US asking marketers, what they want from their agencies in the future. Here is the top 10 list of things:

  1. A greater knowledge of digital space
  2. More use of “pull interactions”
  3. Leverage virtual communities
  4. Agency executives using the technology they are recommending
  5. Chief Digital Officers make agencies more appealing
  6. Web 2.0 and social media savvy
  7. Agencies that understand consumer behavior
  8. Demonstrate strategic thinking
  9. Branding and creative capabilities
  10. Ability to measure success

There is some more detail to these points at the sapient website.

A long list of social media practises

Vacation time is over. I had a fantastic trip along the west coast of the US and throughout several national parks. You can find lots of photos on my flickr stream.

Anyway, back to the daily routine. The first link I found scanning the 2.000+ unread feeds is leading to
Peter Kim’s list of Social Media practises. It’s a very long list of very many different Social Media projects that are best practise, some practise, and sometimes only „practise“. Nevertheless, a good resource, when looking for cases for any type of industry.

Tiger Woods answers and walks on water

This is a fantastic response of a brand (EA Games) and a sportsman (Tiger Woods) to a piece of user generated content. In the video, someone claims to have found a glitch in a golf game by EA games – i.e. how he can make the computer animated Tiger woods run on water.
In the next video below EA games and Tiger Woods show, that it wasn’t a glitch at all. Tiger Woods is indeed capable of doing „Jesus Shots“. Great stuff. Mind you, it took them nearly a year to find the video and post the answer – but nevertheless, very funny!

The report on the „glitch“

Tiger proving the Jesus Shot:

Contextual Offline Advertising

Fantastic idea:

Milk producers in Quebec put milk cartons in refrigerators in ten appliance stores around Montreal to take advantage of the moving season.

Apparently, that similar story about diapers and young fathers (who have to stay at home on a friday nite) is not true.
