The trouble with Blog-Inflation

I am new to this blogworld, even though I know about this phenomenon for quite some time. But now, that I joined this world, I am truly amazed about the amount of blogs out there. Only when you subscribe to blogger, you can get lists of recently updated blogs. And there are so many out there!
Some are very personal diaries, some try to comment on public or other issues and some are just a random chit-chat on nothingness.
Geez, I wonder if it makes sense to put any effort into this. At some point the noise of all blogs out there will be so loud, that none will get heard (or read for that matter) any longer. And then the blog phenomenon will have entered reality: We will still only read and rely on a very few sources. Only some of which may be blogs.
And the rest of these blogs will fade into the grey cloud of the WWW, into which so many personal homepages disappeared since ’94 (and keep disappearing, as search engines continue to move towards „priority-linking“).
Being slightly dissilusioned, I can’t see how this blog-phenomenon has a great future for „John Smith“ in the landscape of the general public media. Media fragmentation will just get worse because of blogs, and to go back to good old Darwin: only the best fitted will survive (the best being those, that somehow manage to attract a large audience and commentary – I will get back later on this, as I don’t yet know, how blogs get a large audience; and if I don’t get back on this, I probably never found out 🙂 ).

Storytelling and „webvertising“

I love good stories. And I really enjoy ad campaigns that tell a story, rather than simply sell a product. Examples are, of course, or the American Express Seinfeld Webisodes, which are apparently not online any longer. Admittingly, these examples are quite old when measured by digital standards.
There was another campaign, which amazed me. It was (is) the Sharp Aquos campaign, which presented three television spots showing one and the same scene, but from different angles – the angles of the three people involved in the story, which could be followed at
More than that, the story unfolded across several fake websites setup by Sharp. In the story, Nathalie, Peter and Mike are searching for the whereabouts of three somehow really precious urns. On the web, everybody could join the search, exchanging thoughts about clues they got on these fake websites, all within a forum also setup by Sharp. It ran (at least in Germany) until the end of last year.
So this is also not a very new campaign being finished for the last couple of weeks, but for some reason, people still post their comments on

If anybody knows about a new campaign that is a good example of good storytelling, let me know!

Cup of Java

Here is my first recommendation in this blog. A blog by a girl who calls herself caffeinegoddess: Cup of Java
It’s rather frequently commentary on what’s going on in advertising with many cross-links. I came across this by accident a few days ago and have now bookmarked it. Check it out!

The start of something new…

So here I am. Just created a „blog“, wondering if ever anyone will read it. But hey, I’ll give it a try, see what happens…