von thecod | Feb. 11, 2005 | Blog
asks Sean Carton of clickz. I have already hinted at that in another post. This article of Sean says what I wanted to add in a later post about the all-ways on consumer, who is in control of where and how he communicates, as well as how he can be reached by any communication, expeciall including advertising, or, more to the point, dialog marketing. And by that I mean (and Sean writes) not the traditional location targetted Marketing of direct mail, but the individualised addressing of the ever more mobile target group. So that’s what communication and advertising will have to move to, if they want to keep up with the increasing geographical freedom of communication, that people will enjoy.
von thecod | Feb. 10, 2005 | Blog
BUUUAAAH!!! Why do we germans always lag behind when it comes to the coolest toys&trends? Being a gadget freak myself, I am sooo fascinated by the new Sidekick II, even though I already have a blackberry!
What bothers me most: T-Mobile is a german company, yet we are supposed to get excited about the latest „push-to-talk“ feature of phones!!
von thecod | Feb. 10, 2005 | Blog
Gawker has a post about levis jeans looking for Bloggers as Models. I ask myself the same question as probably most people out there: why? Do they just want to jump onto the blog-bandwagon? Being „cool“? Will it be cool, just because it involves bloggers?? Or what is their objective?
I am curious to see how that develops and what kind of blog-posts I will find around the web concerning this marketing gig. Will keep you „posted“.
von thecod | Feb. 10, 2005 | Blog
An interesting tip I found at Lifehacker: the Gmail Drive shell extension. Now you can use the 1GB of your Gmail account as a normal drive on Windows, using this little app to access it like any other drive on you PC. However Lifehacker warns not to store any sensitive information.
The plus-point: you can access 1GB of your data from anywhere on the web, no matter what internet cafe your sitting in…
And if you don’t know anyone who can invite to Gmail, look at this other tip from Lifehacker.
von thecod | Feb. 9, 2005 | Blog
Amazing. I have seen the movie „lost in translation“ and wondered about the main character played by Bill Murray going through such a drag just to make a commercial for Whiskey. I just found Japander.com which shows a lot of commercials with western celebrities, and while I watch those, I cannot resist thinking of these people sitting in a dark hotel bar just like Bill Murray did in the movie…